PRP XDS Trigger Spring Kit Unboxing
By James Nicholas
Powder River Precision just released their new XDS trigger kit this week. PRP say's that the kit was designed to lower the trigger pull weight of the XDS pistol while still providing the needed reliability in a carry pistol. The kit if properly installed should give you a 4.5 - 5 pound trigger pull weight.
I have owed multiple Springfield XDS pistols since they have been released. On average the factory trigger pulls out of the box are in 7-8 pound range. With use, the trigger have all dropped in their weight after a hundred rounds or so and settled in at about 6-7 pounds. What the PRP trigger kit provides is the instant drop in trigger pull weight making the pistol more pleasurable to shoot and in some cases making the pistol more accurate. With the XDS being such a small pistol with a heavy trigger, newer users to the platform have the tendency to shoot low and to the left. Having to tighten your fingers around the factory two stage type trigger is no doubt the culprit for many shooters.
Trigger pull error target
After the PRP XDS spring kit model PRP-S007 was installed on my main carry XDS the trigger pull weight went from around 6.5 pounds down to just under 5 pounds. This 5 pounds is with brand new springs I am sure after I break those springs in that weight should come down just a little bit more. My experience showed right at a 37% improvement on the trigger weight from factory new condition and will in my opinion give me that extra edge I need to use the pistol more accurately and faster than I have in the past. For those shooters new to the XDS, the kit will give you a chance to concentrate on other shooting fundamentals and not the trigger pull weight.
The PRP XDS Spring Kit comes in a plastic baggie with PRP's contact information on the front. The back of the bag lets you know the spring kit was made in the USA and has a retail price of under 15.00 its good to know your getting high quality US made parts for a great price.
Included in the PRP XDS Spring kit from top to bottom: striker spring, sear spring, disconnector spring, striker safety spring and trigger safety spring. If you have trouble identifying which spring is which just lay them out and from biggest to smallest like the picture above.
If you're ready to make a 15 dollar investment to improve your XDS pistol I would suggest you visit out friends at Powder River Precision and pick up one of these model PRP-S007 spring kits and let them know you saw it here.