Step 2 Field Strip
This is part 2 of a 6 part article series focusing on the complete 100% detail disassembly of the Springfield Armory XDS pistol. If you can not easily find the other sections use our search icon on the top right of the website. Type in "XDS Detail Disassembly" and we will provide you with the complete series.
We have broken the six part series into the following sections to make it easier to follow and focus on the following areas.
- 1. Magazines
2. Field Strip
- 3. Slide Disassembly
- 4. Striker Disassembly
- 5. Frame Disassembly
- 6. Sear Housing and Trigger Disassembly
- You have to remove the magazine before you can rotate the disassembly lever. This is a safety feature of the XDS pistol.
- As well as removing the magazine, the slide has to be locked open for the disassembly lever to be rotated to the release position.
From left to right: First, observe a loaded XDS pistol ready for field striping. Second, remove the magazine from the pistol and set it aside for inspection. Third, lock the slide back. You will not be able to use the disassembly lever to release the slide unless you have performed these steps. This is done as a safety feature of the XDS to ensure that you have take the proper steps to make sure the pistol is empty.
From left to right: With the magazine removed and the slide locked back the disassembly lever (red arrow) can now be rotated up to the 12 o'Clock position. Now let the slide move back to the forward position with the disassembly lever still up. With the pistol pointed in a safe direction pull the trigger of the XDS. That will release the slide. Note The slide is now released so make sure not to let it go flying off onto the ground!
Left: After pulling the trigger you can now pull the slide forward off the frame Right: Both the slide and frame in two separate assemblies.
Once the slide is by it self you can remove the guide rod assembly (center red arrow) by pulling it away from the barrel lug. Next to remove the barrel, tilt it up from the slide at the same time pulling it back (follow arrow directions far right image) towards the rear of the slide.
The XDS slide assembly shown field stripped, the slide is on top the barrel in the middle and recoil assembly on bottom.
The recoil assembly can not be disassembled any further and is non serviceable consumable part that should be replaced every several thousand rounds. If you try to take the recoil assembly apart you will break it.
Springfield Armory does not recommend further disassembly of the slide. "Further dismantling is not necessary and should only be done by Springfield, Inc. or a qualified pistolsmith". Pg 26 XDS operation and safety manual.
The XDS frame ready for inspection, servicing and cleaning.
Springfield Armory does not recommend further disassembly of the frame. "Further dismantling is not necessary and should only be done by Springfield, Inc. or a qualified pistolsmith". Pg 26 XDS operation and safety manual.